The Inaugural Dean’s Distinguished Lecture, College of Computing, Data Science and Society, University of California,Berkeley, California. February 4 2025
Rethinking Clark Kerr: The Uses of the University in the Age of Generative AI
Commencement address given at the University of California Berkeley, School of Public Health, Berkeley, California, May 13, 2024
The Future of Healthcare
Boston Globe op-ed article on reforming middle school education, January 31 2024
Speech given at the inauguration of the MIT Morningside Academy for Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 18 2022
Design as the API between Technology and Humanity
Remarks at the press conference announcing Morningside Foundation’s gift to University of Massachusetts Medical School, Boston, September 7, 2021
A Gift to University of Massachusetts, a Land-Grant University
Speech given at the celebration of the naming gift to the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts, September 7th 2021
A Tribute to My Parents
Speech for the inauguration of the Morningside Center for Innovative and Affordable Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, November 14 2019
The Purpose and Repurposing of Drugs
The Carnegie Lecture, University of Glasgow, Scotland. March 6 2019
On Translational Science — The Alchemy of Turning Science into Medicine
Speech given to the Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance Summit, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 26 2018
Community or Lifestyle Enclave
The Foundation Lecture, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, October 10 2018
Biotechnology and the Conflation of Science, Business and Ethics
Commencement speech given at D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston, August 30 2018
Life Objective, Life Subjective
Speech given at the induction ceremony of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 7 2017
The Past, the Present or the Future
Opening remarks at the Morningside Music Bridge Concerto Competition Finals, Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, July 13 2017
Why Classical Music?
Commencement speech given at University of Massachusetts, Boston, May 25 2017
Immigration and Public Higher Education
Commencement speech given at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, May 19 2017
In Support of Science and Marshmallows
Keynote speech, Yale Innovation Summit, May 10 2017, New Haven, Connecticut
The University and Biotechnology
Opening remarks at the Design for Health Symposium, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, February 16 2017
Why Design Thinking?
Commencement speech given at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, November 18 2016
A Culture of Science
Commencement address given at Morningside College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 17 2016
Utility, Liberty and Community
University College London, July 14 2016
The Research University in Today’s Society
Chinese-American Biopharmaceutical Society K. Fong Award : Visionary in Life Sciences, San Mateo, California, May 7 2016
Somewhere Between Science and Humanity
中美生物医药协会(CABS)方瑞贤生命科学奖颁奖典礼演讲, 2016年5月7日 (中译)
Address to the alumni of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, October 25 2014
A Gift Unsolicited, Unrestricted and Unexpected
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health naming ceremony, September 8 2014, Boston
BayHelix Lifetime Achievement Award Speech, January 12 2014
Life Science, a Life in Science and is Life Just a Science
百华协会终生成就奖颁奖典礼演讲, 2014年1月12日 (中译) 简体版本
生命科学 科学人生 人生又岂只科学
百華協會終生成就獎頒獎典禮演講, 2014年1月12日 (中譯) 繁體版本
生命科學 科學人生 人生又豈只科學
Harvard School of Public Health commencement speech, May 24 2012
The Idea of Public Health
哈佛大学公共卫生学院毕业典礼演讲, 2012年5月24日 (中译)
Inauguration Ceremony of Morningside College, November 11 2011
Meritocracy, Access and Social Mobility
Commencement Speech of The Twenty-fifth Commencement Ceremony of The Johns Hopkins University – Nanjing Center, June 10 2011
Consumption, the Market and Moral Relativism
陈乐宗南京大学演讲, 2011年6月10日 (中译)
香港中文大学崇基书院毕业典礼演讲, 2009年12月10日
Morningside College Ground-Breaking Ceremony, December 18 2008
A College within a University
CUHK EMBA Forum, December 4 2006
Venture Capital Investing: Reflections and Speculations for Hong Kong Practitioners